Match Group is committed to doing what we can to improve online safety. That’s why we wholeheartedly support the Protecting Our KIDS Act. We thank Congresswoman Kuster (D-NH-02) and Congressman Gonzalez (R-OH-16) for leading the fight on this important issue.
The Protecting Our KIDS Act is exactly the type of legislation that we need to help keep people safe online. The Protecting Our KIDS Act will require registered sex offenders to report account identifiers they use to access social networking sites and mobile apps to the Department of Justice so they can be tracked online. The bill updates a law that was passed before smartphones were in every pocket and the internet was essential for adults and children alike. This fix is long overdue and we are grateful for Congresswoman Kuster and Congressman Gonzalez’s leadership on this issue.
How does this relate to Match Group? Sex offenders are prohibited from using our apps, and this bill will make it easier for us identify and ban them.
As a former police investigator, I know firsthand that eliminating abuse and harassment against our most vulnerable and at-risk populations takes governments, companies, and communities working together on measures to prevent and remove violence online. One important element of this effort is for there to be improved and up-to-date accounting of those who could do harm. This bill is an important step towards addressing that issue and building safer communities for everyone.
We recognize online safety is a whole-of-society responsibility, and we must all do our part. Match Group is proud to step up and support this bill in the same way that we have supported other smart legislation like the EARN IT Act. We look forward to the passage and implementation of the Protecting Our Kids Act and we call on other internet platforms to join us in this important fight to keep online spaces safe.
Tracey Breeden, Head of Safety and Social Advocacy